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Grangetown Primary

Year 1 - Miss Farrell

Welcome to Year 1HF!

We have 19 lovely children in our class. On our webpage you can follow the learning journey of our fantastic pupils. Here you can also find general reminders and photographs of all the exciting things we have been getting up to!



  • Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed every Monday.
  • These books should be brought into school everyday.
  • Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home.
  • Books will only be changed if the home school diary has been signed three times.
  • If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics click here.


  • PE is on a Wednesday afternoon and the children can wear their school PE kit all day. 
  • No jewellery is to be worn.




We have had a jam packed February! We started the month off with a trip to Hilton castle to link with our class story Rapunzel, we learnt all about how people in the olden days used to live and had a lot of fun. Our science topic of materials has also linked into our English story, we have been using our new found knowledge to experiment with which material we think would be best to help build Rapunzel’s tower! We decided brick would be best as it as strong and waterproof. This month also marked the beginning of our Walkwise sessions, these sessions are very important and have been teaching us how to safely be close to and cross roads. We also mustn’t forget our fantastic Valentines disco where we all had so much fun singing, dancing and eating!


January has been a very exciting start to 2024 in Year 1. Our focus of the month has been our new class story of Rapunzel! We have thoroughly enjoyed participating in various fun activities relating to our story. We have also been doing a lot of maths this month and have mainly been focusing on grouping numbers and solidifying our knowledge of number bonds to ten. In PE we have began our new topic of gymnastics, to build our knowledge we have started off by looking at different balances and movements. This month we have also finished our recent art topic where we have been looking into primary and secondary colours, we even performed a mini experiment mixing primary colours together and guessing the secondary colour they would make!


we have had such an exciting month! We started off by decorating our classroom for Christmas with some beautiful decorations! We then painted our feet to make Christmas cards and calendars for our families. We also went on a little trip to our local care home to sing Christmas carols to the residents, we all had a lovely time. Because it’s Christmas we have been up to lots of exciting activities in class such as baking and making crafts, our parents even came in to make crafts with us! We have been so good since September so our teachers took us snow tubing where we got soaking wet, to warm up we got hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows and then we got a visit from Santa! To finish the month we had our Christmas party where we dressed up in our best clothes, danced and played games! Merry Christmas!


We have had a lovely month! We started the month with a trip to Backhouse Park to watch the birds, we saw lots of different species and had lots of fun! Throughout the month we were reading our class story: ‘Whatever Next’, we acted out the story and eventually re-wrote it in our English lessons! We were also very lucky and had a visit from the school nurse who taught us how to brush our teeth and what will happen if we forget. Of course we have managed to fit in lots of learning and have been doing especially well in maths where we have been looking at parts and wholes! Inbetween our learning we have been outside to look for signs of Autumn and play in the leaves! To finish the month off we delivered some biscuits to Year 4 as our random act of kindness.


We have had a fantastic month in Year 1HF. In English we have finished our story ‘Dear Zoo’ and have began exploring our new book ‘Whatever Next’. To help us with our new story we have had a teddy bear visitor called Benny! In maths we have started looking at number bonds to 10, we have been using counters to represent various number bonds. We have also had lots of trips and visitors to Year 1 this month! We started the month with a trip to St Aiden’s church where we met Father David and explored a Christian church. To help us further investigate our science topic of Autumn, we walked to Backhouse Park where we explored the park and discovered lots of different plants and leaves. In science we have also been learning about the different animal classifications, so we had a visit from Angela’s Ark who showed us real life animals! In history we have been began our topic of old toys and have started by looking at toys from the past, we thoroughly enjoyed this. In PE we are now learning how to play hockey and have began by developing our coordination by dribbling with our hands. To finish off the moth we had a fantastic Halloween disco, where we danced and ate hotdogs!


 September has been a very busy month! The children have all adapted to Year 1 brilliantly, they have worked hard and produced some fabulous work! This month we have tested and developed our knowledge of numbers by counting and sorting objects around our classroom, we even sorted ourselves into groups! We have also been reading the story Dear Zoo which we linked with our geography topic of animals, we have gained some amazing knowledge of the types of animals and then determined why some animals might not be appropriate to have as pets! To fulfil our class’ love of books, we walked to our local library, Back on the Map, where the children enjoyed picking out stories and reading with their friends. During the month we have witnessed changes in our environment, we have discussed why these changes are happening. We have learnt all about Autumn and produced some lovely activities linked to the changes we are seeing. Next month we are going on a trip to Backhouse Park to collect Autumn leaves! Around school we have also had some fantastic equipment installed over summer, such as the outdoor gym and KS1’s new playhouse, we have made sure to make use of these. We have all thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other over this month and I can’t wait to see how the children progress over their time in Year 1!