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Grangetown Primary

Reception - Miss Toolin

Welcome to our webpage! Here parents/carers can find lots of important information regarding your child's education here at Grangetown Primary School. I am so excited to get started with our lovely class of 20 children. 


What do the children need?

  • Water bottle
  • Blue reading bag
  • Reading book and Blue Reading Record Book
  • A warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves

Important information 

  • PE is on a Tuesday. Your child can come to school in their PE kit 
  • Blue books will be checked daily. We ask that children are reading 3 times a week at home, as a minimum. Please write a comment and sign the blue books each time the children have read.
  • Please return Contact and Medical Forms as soon as possible.

Reading Volunteers?

We are also looking for parent/carer volunteers who would like to come into school weekly, to read with the children. Please contact the office or speak to Miss Toolin or Miss Bewick if you are interested. If selected, one of the children you will read with will be your own child. Training will be provided. Please note that, before starting, a full (enhanced) DBS check is needed for all adults accepted as volunteers in school.

Monster Phonics 

At Grangetown, we teach phonics every day using the Monster Phonics scheme. 

Throughout term 1, the children will learn all the single letter sounds plus the consonant digraphs (sh, ch, th, th, ng) and vowel digraphs (long oo, ar).  

Term 2 continues to teach the vowel digraphs (short oo, ow, ee, ur, ai, or, oa, er, oi) plus trigraphs (high, air, ear, ure). 

Term 3 focuses on revision of the previously taught graphemes.

Spring 1

Our Topic: Superhero's 

Our core books: Supertato: Veggies Assemble, Little Red Hen

 A Super Spring 1 

January: We have had a great start to the new year in Reception. We have read our core story 'Supertato: Veggies Assemble' and enjoyed lots of fun superhero activities in class. While learning about superheros we have also learned about how to keep our bodies healthy. We have practiced lots of different exercises, learned about our skeletons and talked about making healthy choices when we eat and drink. 

This month, we even had our very own Superhero day with healthy snacks that we made ourselves!


Autumn 2

Our Topic: Destination Celebration 

Our core books: One Snowy Night, Stick Man 

An amazing Autumn 2

Reception have loved reading and learning about our first core story this term, One Snowy Night. We have had lots of discussions about the characters in our story and their feelings. We loved learning about the different animals and have even learned the difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals. We have also enjoyed reading Stick Man and practicing our colourful semantics to create our own sentences.

Linked to our core books and our 'Destination Celebration' topic this half term, the children have also had fun learning about winter and Christmas! We discussed why some people celebrate Christmas and how they might celebrate and we even took part in our very own 'Wriggly Nativity' to tell the story of the first Christmas. 

In maths, we have continued to learn about numbers up to 5 and the composition of these numbers. The children have also learned about the Part, Part, Whole concept. We have used the nursery rhyme 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' to understand that our whole body is made up of different parts. We have also started to learn about height and pattern this term. The children have had lots of fun ordering themselves and other objects in our classroom by height and creating some fun patterns themselves. 

We have had such an amazing autumn term. Well done Reception, you are all  SUPER-STARS! 

Autumn 1

Our topic: Me, Myself and I

Our core books: The Go Away Bird, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Smeds and The Smoos

A busy Autumn 1 in Reception

Our Reception class have had a wonderful start to the year! The children have settled in incredibly well and have been busy exploring our classroom, leaning about our class rules and learning through lots of fun activities. 

This term, we've been learning all about ourselves, our families, and our feelings. We have explored our core books and even enjoyed our very own Smeds and Smoos party! We've also been exploring the world around us. We had an amazing trip to Grangetown Park and even went on a walk to Asda to pick some pumpkins. 

We have also been developing our early literacy and numeracy skills. We've been practicing our sounds in Monster Phonics, writing our names, and learning our numbers to 5. 

We're so proud of how far the children have come in such a short time and we're looking forward to many more exciting learning experiences in Autumn 2!