Reception - Mrs bewick
What do the children need?
- Water bottle
- Reading book and Blue Reading Record Book
- A warm coat
- PE Kit - to be kept in school and taken home to be washed half termly.
Important information
- PE is on ____________
- Blue books will be checked daily. We ask that children are reading 3 times a week at home, as a minimum. Please write a comment and sign the blue books when the children have read.
- Please return Contact and Medical Forms as soon as possible.
Reading Volunteers?
We are also looking for parent/carer volunteers who would like to come into school weekly, to read with the children. Please contact the office or speak to Miss Holyoak if you are interested. If selected, one of the children you will read with will be your own child. Training will be provided. Please note that, before starting, a full (enhanced) DBS check is needed for all adults accepted as volunteers in school.
Autumn 2
Destination Celebration
The children have absolutely loved our core story Percy's Snowy Night this half term. We have used this book to prompt lots of discussion about Nocturnal animals. We have also discussed the animals in our book and ordered the story!
The children have enjoyed learning about numbers to 5 in Maths and learning the Part Part Whole concept. We were able to circle all the different parts of a whole animal. We linked this to the nursery Rhyme, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.
In science we have been learning all about floating and sinking and irreversable change!
We have also enjoyed learning our first Digraphs in Phonics, such as Qu for queen. we are so clever and are showing fantastic progress in all areas!
Autumn 1
Me, Myself and I
The Reception children have had a fantastic start to the school year, getting to know their friends and settling in to the new environment! They have behaved beautifully and are really enjoying the classroom! We have started on our new core books this half term. They have taught us all about friendships, kindness and some very important rules! We thoroughly enjoyed our walk to Grangetown Park this month and also our trip to pick some cool pumpkins at ASDA!
We have also loved our Maths and Phonics lessons. We have started learning numbers to 5 and the first sounds in phonics, to start practising reading and writing!