Year 2/3 - Mrs Roberts
- Monster Phonics reading books and sharing books are changed every Monday
- These books should be brought into school everyday
- Children are expected to read at least three time per week with an adult at home
- Books will only be changed if the home school diary has been signed three times
- If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics click here
- PE is on a Friday and the children can wear their school PE kit all day
- No jewellery to be worn
Learning at home
- Learning at home jobs are sent home on a Friday and should be returned the following Thursday.
- These jobs will focus on spelling, handwriting, reading and times tables.
Autumn 2
Andy's Animal Adventures

As part of our science topic all about animals and humans, we had a visit from Andy and his collection of amazing animals. Andy told us all about mothers and their offspring. Throughout the morning we got to see lots of different animals and he explained what the babies would look like and how they were born- from an egg or live. The children were very brave when it came to touching and holding them.
Trampolining and Cheerleading
In December we visited AAA Sports to take part in a trampolining and cheerleading session. The children were split into 2 groups. In cheerleading we learnt a simple routine that included different arm placements, jumps, poses and claps. The trampoline group practised safely bouncing before trying out some techniques. These included: a seat drop, pike jump, half turn, straddle jump and tuck jump.
Autumn 1
The Great Fire of London
In History we have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We have learnt that the fire started in a bakery in Pudding Lane. The oven fire wasn’t put out properly and a spark jumped out and set the building on fire. Because of the dry wood and strong wind the fire spread very quickly. In those days they did not have the proper tools to put it out. The children have enjoyed learning about the timeline of events and can recall the facts very well. We have looked at and tried on artefacts that would have been used in 1666.