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Grangetown Primary

Year 5 - Mrs Millican



Welcome to Year 5 - Mrs Millican

Important things to remember:

  • Please remember to bring in reading books and home/school diaries every day. They will be checked and signed every Monday.
  • Our P.E. day is a Tuesday - Swimming. Children may come to school dressed in their jogging bottoms with their school tops and will need their swimming costume, towel and swimming hat (longer hair). 
  • Brass instrument need to be brought in to school on a Wednesday.
  • Football with Arj is on a Friday lunchtime. Please bring football kits to school to change into.
  • Homework is sent out on a Friday and should be returned to school before the following Thursday
  • Water bottles should be brought in to school every day.

Autumn Term

December - Song-writing and Recording with Marty


The year 5 children had the wonderful opportunity to help write and record their own song. Working with singer/songwriter Marty Longstaff, the children worked together to give their own ideas linking to what makes them sad, mad and glad. They talked about how emotions were an excellent start to writing their own song. Marty took away all of our suggestions and ideas and wrote them into a song, to spread the word of how to take care of others. Marty returned to Grangetown and taught the children their wonderful new song. We then sang each of the verses and chorus - recording as we went. Marty is now putting the performance together to create the whole song. We all had a wonderful time, listening to Marty sing and then singing with him, and can’t wait to hear the final version of our song. 

November - Making Pulleys 


The year 5 children have really enjoyed their Design Technology lessons this half term. First, we learnt all about the different types of pulleys and levers and how they work. We then made our own information posters to showcase our understanding. This week, we were able to put our knowledge into practise when we all made our own pulleys using water bottles, card, string and sticks. The children were challenged to use their constructions to transport Lego.

October 2024 - Sports Leaders



Earlier this month, the year 5 children had a fantastic afternoon working with a sports coach to learn how to become sports leaders. They learned all about how to

form different teams to make games fair. They then spent time playing and learning games that they could set up and teach other children. The children were given a pack of games and ideas and have been practising how to use them with the Key Stage two children over the last couple of weeks. After half term, they will have regular sessions during breaktimes for the rest of the children to join in. They were all given blue sports leader t-shirts which they are very proud to wear. They are all looking forward to putting what they have learned into practice.

September 2024 - Coals to Goals



The Year 5 children had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Beacon of Light, to take part in a Local History workshop  - Coals for Goals. The children learnt about the history of mining and how the area of land on which the Stadium of Light stands, used to be Wearmouth Colliery. They learned all about the difficult life of a miner and how important the introduction of the Davey Lamp was to protect miners - by detecting methane or other flammable gases in the air. The children even sang some pitman songs. We then wet on a Heritage Hunt around the ground, finding out abut the Pit Shaft, the Colliery wheel and some history of Sunderland AFC including the statue of Bob Stokoe. In the afternoon, children learned all about the history of the Club and it's badge. They also had a fabulous P.E. lesson. We had an amazing day and all received a colourful book to complete when we got back to school