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Grangetown Primary

Year 6 - Mrs quinn

Welcome to Year 6VQ! 

We have a lovely class of 15 children who are all very excited about the wonderful activities in store for them in their final year of primary school. 

Some important reminders:

  • PE is on a Tuesday. Children should come to school in full PE kit (navy shorts or joggers and a plain white T-shirt). All jewellery, including earrings,  should be removed prior to PE lessons. 
  • Children should bring their reading book to school each day and should read at home at least three times each week. Please sign the home learning diary when your child has read. 
  • Home learning tasks are given on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. 
  • Please remember to bring a water bottle to school each day.

Spring 1


This half term we are enjoying two texts, 'When the Sky Falls' and 'Rose Blanche.' Both of these texts are historical narratives. We have been exploring vocabulary choices and looking at how synonyms and antonyms can be used in the same sentence. We have also been exploring the ways in which an author describes a characters personality.